Treating sick and injured pets with diagnostics.
At Ridge Animal Hospital we have state-of-the-art diagnostic tools that allow our staff to diagnose your pets’ condition or illness better. It is our commitment to stay on the cutting edge of diagnostic technology.
Having these advanced diagnostic tools allows us to examine specific areas more carefully and provide a quicker and more accurate diagnosis.
We use many tools such as radiology, lab tests, and various other equipment and tests.
Learn more about our diagnostic services here:

Pet Laser Therapy
A non-invasive holistic treatment.
Advanced Digital Radiology
Digital x-rays assist in diagnosing illness & injury.
Pet Ultrasound
A non-invasive way to diagnose sick & injured pets.
Pet Echocardiography
Images of a pet's functioning heart.
Pet Allergy & Dermatology
Diagnose and treat skin conditions.
PennHIP Evaluations
Ensure your dog's hips are healthy